Efficiently manage and control mobile devices - with ecom's mobile device management solution eMDM

An MDM software is the right solution for the central administration of company-owned mobile devices and effective protection of the data stored on them. It offers full control, great flexibility and absolute security. This is exactly what ecom enables with its own mobile device management solution.

eMDM is fully integrated into ecom's eCSL staging and enrolling solution. ecom's Mobile Device Management offers an instant-on solution, especially for small and medium-sized companies, which often have difficulties in finding an MDM solution that meets their requirements. It also enables large companies to manage their own devices for third parties.

With the integrated MDM solution, you can configure advanced settings and manage your devices and profiles online. The functional scope of eMDM includes:

  • Mobile Device Management - Manage and secure the device pool remotely
  • Mobile Application Management - Deploy, manage and secure apps on devices
  • Mobile Content Management - Securely transfer and store data on devices
  • Mobile Identity Management - Seamless integration with the internal identity provider: trouble-free and secure authentication on mobile devices

However, ecom's smartphones are also tested and certified by recognized MDM providers. These include SOTI, VMware, MobileIron, SureMDM and TeamViewer.

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