How to Cut Production and Operational Costs to Counteract the Falling Oil Price

With a fall in the oil price and the relatively high cost of producing oil, companies around the world are looking for a way to get more with less. Many times the site area that was covered by a team of people carrying out inspection and maintenance work is now being covered by a single worker who has to produce similar results and cover the area that was previously maintained by a whole team.

It is situations like this that have driven companies to try and find a way to help their work force complete their work faster, safer and more accurately. One major way in which companies have chosen to do this is through the use of technology. Mobile devices have become more and more common on some of the leading oil rigs around the world, as well as in refineries, as they are allowing workers to access a wide range of applications and information while on the move. With producers who are looking to take advantage of using this technology there is always one key question - What is the benefit to us if we invest in using mobile devices?

This is a valid question as the implementation of such devices can be time consuming but the range of different benefits more than make up for the time investment. Take a look below at ecom's useful infographic which highlights some key benefits of using mobile device while working in hazardous areas throughout the oil and gas industry:

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