Putting an end to the paper flood – New documentation tool for attachments

The larger a system, the more complex and costly is the documentation of its data. The actual changes in the system are often done faster than the subsequent adaptation of the documentation. Moreover, handwritten notes pose the risk of not being clearly legible.

To ensure that important information no longer gets lost, Rösberg Engineering has developed an application for electronic document registration. The LiveDok tool enables the smooth and easy transfer from paper to digital work. On-site staff in the facility, for example performing installation or repair work, can work with a simple, clearly structured input mask. On the other hand, the documentation administration has extensive functionalities at their disposal which support your work and therefore save time and money. In addition, the date of any changes and the name of the employee are recorded automatically, therefore ensuring complete traceability of data.

With LiveDok Mobile app, no information gets lost because it’s recorded directly by mobile devices. The data can also be entered offline – often a downfall of software applications – and are refreshed immediately in the documentation when the company network is accessed again.

The app is compatible with ecom’s devices, such as the new Tablet-PC Pad-Ex 01, Smart-Ex® 01 as well as the Tablet-series Tab-Ex® 01 and can be downloaded directly in the ecom App Library.

If you would like to know more about Rösberg or the software solution, please take a look at ecom’s App Library.

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