The Rise of Industry 4.0 and Industrial Connected Working

With wireless connectivity becoming an essential at home and it becoming more widely used in the workplace, the potential use of Bluetooth, LTE and other systems in industrial environments is growing significantly.

With the rise of “Industry 4.0” and the “Internet of Things” throughout many offshore locations, big companies like Shell and BP have found ways to effectively and securely share data wirelessly while on the move. Sharing digital data and information as well as communicating with others in real-time is one of the key advantages to this new way of working. Field Mobile Workers no longer need to go back to control centres to inform their colleagues on temperature, pressure and other field conditions. They just need their mobile device like a tablet or smartphone and can synchronise the required information immediately. This “enables engineers to continuously monitor production and make quick decisions on how to best extract oil and spot any problems, such as blockages.”1

Today, Smart Field Technology is helping to improve and increase the efficiency and productivity of operations, thus reducing the costs and the expenditure of time. With the help of real-time communication technology, problems and incidents could be solved right at the spot, significantly cutting down on the amount of man-hours that are spent on-site.

On top of these benefits, mobile technology enables solutions to provide accurate information about the workers in case of emergency and accidents. Lone Worker Protection Solutions, whether included as hardware or as app-solution, are a key factor to maintain the highest safety for mobile workers that is possible.

To get further information about the ecom Mobile Worker Concept visit


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