Working alone, but safe…

Working alone belongs to companies of any size. It means, workers staying outside of call range and visibility range and doing work.

It's common at oil and gas industries, logistics or security. Lone work places can be stationary or mobile.

In many sectors it is allowed - but some safety considerations should be made to you're your workers safe and healthy.

Because of digitalisation and automation there will be much more lone workers in the future. And enterprises are looking for solutions to estimate risks and defining measures.

Working alone brings increased risk of accidents, but it does not necessarily have to be more dangerous than doing the same work in a team.

The biggest problem is that in case of an accident help is often far away or nobody realises that something has happened.

There are several scenarios that could occur: Accidents, injuries, illness or hazardous substances.

To maintain the health and safety of your workers enterprises can initiate protection measures, most realised as monitoring measures. It is important that your employees don't feel controlled or harassed. Furthermore all measures that are made should be communicated transparently.

Measures could be operator rounds, lone workers stay connected to the control centre via telephone or radio, security cameras or Individual lone worker protection systems.

So that in case of emergency everything runs smoothly workers and employees should be trained regularly and receive teachings and instructions.

Learn more about ecom's LWP solutions. Together with our partners we can provide even BGR-139 solutions to keep your workers safe and healthy.

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